Energy Generation and Utilization in the Living System

Energy Generation and Utilization in the Living System

Energy is vital to life. Growth, reproduction and tissue repair require energy. Most organisms obtain energy by oxidation of these fuel molecules Carbohydrates, fats and amino acids. Cellular oxidation of these molecules release energy, part of which is conserved through the synthesis of high-energy phosphate bonds and the rest is lost as heat. The high-energy phosphate bonds are directly utilized for cellular energy requiring processes. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the common high-energy phosphate bond that is formed during oxidative processes. Under cellular conditions energy releasing (oxidative) processes are coupled to energy requiring cellular processes through common energy currency, ATP. It is the universal transfer agent of chemical energy between energy-yielding and energyrequiring cellular processes. Other high energy triphosphates include GTP, UTP, and CTP which are commonly used in biosynthesis (contain comparable energy to that of ATP). ATP and other nucleotides of comparable energy, carry two high-energy phosphate bonds. The hydrolysis of these high - energy phosphate bonds release energy which powers cellular energy requiring processes. Thioester bonds also contain comparable energy content to that of ATP. Energy of hydrolysis of thioester bond is mostly used to drive the reactions forward to completion.

II- High-energy phosphate bonds 

Fig 3.1 Structure of ATP 

a) High-energy phosphate bonds: 

- At pH 7, ATP 
- carries four negative charges 
- Charges repel each other because of proximity 
- Repulsion is relieved upon hydrolysis of high-energy bonds ATP and other high energy compounds contain phosphoanhydride bonds which release much free energy upon hydrolysis 

b) Energy of hydrolysis of phosphate bonds 

hydrolysis of high-energy phosphate bond of ATP releases free energy of about -7.3 kcal/mol energy released upon hydrolysis of high energy phosphate bonds may result in:- transfer of phosphate group with partial conservation of energy by newly formed bond formation of new bond change in conformation of molecules signal amplification transport molecules across membranes some portion lost as heat (may contribute to body temperature maintenance in homoeothermic organisms)

Hydrolysis of ATP or other nucleotides usually involves the terminal high-energy phosphate bond. Similarly, phosphate transfer involves the terminal phosphate group. The phosphate transfer also commonly involves the two terminal phosphate groups as pyrophosphate. Transfer of AMP portion of ATP is also common with concomitant hydrolysis of pyrophosphate (energy of hydrolysis driving the reaction forward)

C-Cellular formation and utilization of ATP

 Within cells ATP is continuously formed and utilized Serve as the principal immediate donor of free energy in biological system 
* oxidation of fuel molecules 
Catabolism of fuel molecules occurs stepwise each step releasing partial energy content of molecules. The amount of total energy release depends upon the cellular conditions: 
i-presence or absence of oxygen (aerobic or anaerobic) 
ii-presence or absence of specific organelles with oxidative functions (mitochondrial) 
Catabolic reactions in addition, provide building blocks for biosynthetic reactions 

III- Catabolism of Fuel Molecules –An overview 

a) Carbohydrates-digestion or mobilization of glycogen

Glycolysis- partial catabolism 
- small amount of energy conserved (ATP, NADH) 
- prepares carbohydrates for the next catabolic processes 
- sometimes the only life sustaining energy generating process 
- RBC (red blood cells-lack mitochondrion) 
- exercising muscle (oxygen limitation) 

b) Fats-digestion or mobilization of stored fat 
Oxidation by major pathway → β Oxidation
No direct high–energy phosphate molecule is formed 

c) Proteins-digestion or mobilization of tissue protein
During cellular oxidation of fuel molecules very little energy is directly conserved in the form of high energy phosphate bond that can be directly utilized for cellular energy requiring processes. Most of it is captured in the form of reducing equivalents such as NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide) and FADH2 (reduced flavin adenosine dinucleotide).