Vitamins and Minerals
They are organic compounds required in small quantities for the functioning of the body. They are not synthesized in the body, needed to be provided in the diet. Vitamins do not generate energy. Generally they are responsible for the maintenance of health and prevention of chronic diseases. Grossly there are two groups’ Water soluble vitamins are Vit. B-complex and C. Fat soluble vitamins are Vit A, D, E, and K.
Minerals are elements present in human body .Elements like C,H,N are provided by the diet and water .Second group includes Ca, P, Mg, Na, K. Cl and Sulphur. These are required in large quantities (100mg or more/day). They are called Macro elements.
A third group includes trace elements, which are required in small amounts for example Fe, I, Zn, etc.
Fluorine deficiency associated with tooth decay, excess of it causes fluorosis. Sources and requirement are of physiological importance. The metabolic role and deficiency disorders are important for the students of health sciences.
Vitamins and trace elements are particularly important for patients with gastrointestinal disorders, who are fed on artificial diets or parenteral nutrition.